The Road Beneath Our Feet
Pittsburgh – 1986
Who Only Stand And Wait
A clothing shop with mannequins;
a man & woman stand in fancy dress.
They look like waiters in a posh hotel,
or servants in an English manor house
where sheets & underwear are ironed.
We see our own reflections there, dream
we’re nouveau riche with hired help.
How uniform their features are: his
slick, black hair & arch demeanor,
her Farah Fawcett bob & vacant eyes.
Wait a minute—they are us when we
were young! You look angry; I look
bored (we’ve had a row) our silence
ever-widening the space between us.
But I won’t curtsy; you won’t bow.
—Whatever was our fight about?
I don’t know; you can’t remember.
We’re not getting any younger.
At half-past-prime-time-Saturday-night,
in a city where flash-bulbs pop & music
plays, what are we waiting for? Quick,
don that snakeskin jacket; I’ll slip on
the mini-skirt & short white boots. Let’s
grab a cab uptown and go-go-go-go-go.
— Ellen Wise
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