Poems by Grace Cavalieri

A Matter Of Record

I have never seen anyone die.
I have never seen the spirit leave the burnt body.
I do not know what sound is caught
from the throat, and I'm sure it's not
one I would  want
to hear twice -
then the  stony heart,
a lack of beauty that comes to stay,
unattractive expedients,
vast disappointments.
More sadness fills the room -
enough to die of right there -
unless you believe that  
after Sundown, comes Sunrise.
After the Sunset,
as a matter of record, I am told,

it comes up gold.

© Grace Cavalieri, all rights reserved
Acknowledgement: Casa Menendez, Sounds Like Something I Would Say

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Grace Cavalieri

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by Grace Cavalieri, Maryland’s Poet Laureate

by Grace Cavalieri

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Owning The Not So Distant World by Grace Cavalieri

Cavalieri writes about the everyday world and shows us how the major themes--love, loss, memory, and the mystery future—inhabit the ordinary.

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