Poems by Grace Cavalieri

Alternate Theories

In answering my husband I say, "I only
wonder about ideas I can use in
poetry." He says this may be a waste
of wonder. Yes, I realize it is not a fair
market exchange, rationing my thoughts
this way. Here we are walking
in the woods - noticing fern. He says
he can make green herbs grow all
winter long in the kitchen -
the white receptacle by the window
the constancy of a blue
Glo-light - the waters of life dripped
in every day with care.
I say I like this. it's  lighted
up until morning. Like the moon.
Finally something I can use,
helpful  to me - while writing in the dark -
as nothing can be seen exactly as we describe it.
© Grace Cavalieri, all rights reserved

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The Long Game, by Grace Cavalieri

 Poet and novelist Barbara Quick reviews Grace Cavalieri's The Long Game.


Grace Cavalieri

How theater reflects society

by Grace Cavalieri, Maryland’s Poet Laureate

by Grace Cavalieri

Owning The Not So Distant World

Grace Cavalieri is by turns as sagacious and oblique as a Zen koan, her verses brimming with aphoristic wisdom, and also charmingly chatty, like your best friend in the world, oscillating between aloof and intimate but always appealing.

Owning The Not So Distant World by Grace Cavalieri

Cavalieri writes about the everyday world and shows us how the major themes--love, loss, memory, and the mystery future—inhabit the ordinary.

by Natalie Canavor