Poems by Grace Cavalieri

"Mama Didn't Allow No Blues Or Jazz..." 

                  Lorne Cress
The monkey trap is simply this
A coconut hollowed out
A sweet potato stuck inside
This is how a monkey can be caught
He puts his paw inside
And grabs his food
You say it's dumb
Determined as hunger
Caught inside a shell like that
You say betrayal comes from just
Such needs as a monkey has
We do not know the source of sanity
How monkeys feel about hunger
But I think it's better when holding on
From not letting go
I think it's better to let go.
© Grace Cavalieri, all rights reserved

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The Long Game, by Grace Cavalieri

 Poet and novelist Barbara Quick reviews Grace Cavalieri's The Long Game.


Grace Cavalieri

How theater reflects society

by Grace Cavalieri, Maryland’s Poet Laureate

by Grace Cavalieri

Owning The Not So Distant World

Grace Cavalieri is by turns as sagacious and oblique as a Zen koan, her verses brimming with aphoristic wisdom, and also charmingly chatty, like your best friend in the world, oscillating between aloof and intimate but always appealing.

Owning The Not So Distant World by Grace Cavalieri

Cavalieri writes about the everyday world and shows us how the major themes--love, loss, memory, and the mystery future—inhabit the ordinary.

by Natalie Canavor